Wednesday 19 November 2014

Thai Girl Refuses to Sell Self

Yet another article about Bust-and-Bum turned up on my computer, but this one involved a young woman of character, who refused (in a very polite way) to be bought as a pet.

If the story is to believed, the young woman did not know that the rich lady who wished to take her away from her home owed her [the rich lady's] money and fame to a sex tape. So it is not even a question of a young Thai woman refusing to live on the avails of prostitution, but of the girl choosing love and work over gaudy and fantastic images of "the West."

This story illustrates a lot about what is very sick about "the West". Meanwhile, I am trying to imagine what would happen if a Saudi sheikh or a Qatari appeared in an Edinburgh slum, cameras rolling, and attempted to adopt "an outstanding scholar" thirteen year old boy.

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